Monday 9 March 2015

The Shadow Cabinet by Maureen Johnson

Synopsis (from Goodreads)

My thanks go to Hot Key Books for providing me with this review copy.

Pages: 374
Publisher: Hot Key Books
Released: 5th of February 2015
Other Books in the Series: The Name of the Star
                                         The Madness Underneath

Grieving, shaken, and feeling very much alone, Rory's life as a member of the Shades of London has changed irrevocably. It's only been a matter of hours since Stephen was taken from her, possibly for ever. Her classmate Charlotte is still missing, kidnapped by the same people who tried to take Rory. Rory is no longer a schoolgirl haplessly involved in the dealings of a secret government unit. She is their weapon in a matter of life and death.

With hardly a moment to think for herself, Rory is back to work. Charlotte must be found -- as must Stephen, if he is even out there. Lines must be drawn and forces rallied. Something is brewing under London, something bigger and much more dangerous than what has come before. The Shadow Cabinet holds the key to everything, and it is up to Rory to unravel its mysteries before time runs out...

What I Have To Say 

I read The Madness Underneath while I was on a reading slump and that accounts for the fact that I didn't enjoy it as much, I think. And the fact that I could barely remember what happened when picking up this on (although how could I forget something like that!). Luckily, I very quickly remembered everything. In fact, it was really, really easy to get back into. 

This book was, although not possibly as good as The Name of the Star, was more what I had expected. It has the quirkiness of all Maureen Johnson's books along with such tension and thrilling plot that I really enjoyed with The Name of the Star. The characters are as good and quirky as ever, including the new edition, Freddie, though there's something about her that I'm not really warming to. I'm not sure what though. 

All in all, I really am glad that it was just the reading slump and not The Madness Underneath that I didn't like as this book has proved that the series is still right on track and has reminded me of all the good bits from The Madness Underneath. 

I know I say this in a lot of my reviews, but that's because it's true. I can't wait for the next book!

1 comment:

  1. I'm yet to read the first book but your great review has encouraged me to add it to my tbr :)

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